ally LOD:
First I want to say good fight to SWEAT and Jactronic ( who also offered to rez us afterwards ). We got rocked even with more numbers.
2nd great fight to Dhara ppl, both times we got rolled. No excuses, screen shots are pathetic and they won straight up with fewer numbers, first time we shouldnt of ported in, second time they even came out and fukin spanked us. I've never hit a bishop with assists and so much damage and them not go down , it was like Korvak had UD lol. We had two targeters per group and 2 full groups against maybe their 10 ( if that ). When this happens I want to learn from it and get better, but when the crits are 2800 per hit, it's over so fast I dont even knowwhat i did wrong. You can say gear, lvls,subs blah blah blah, thats for the fukin idiots that cant admitt when they got schooled. The "foul" "do-over" pussies in high school. Our performance was pathetic and when we did drop some of them , they all fukin stood straight up and buffed immediately ( speaking of sweat fight ). What the fuk are we doing wrong? Fighting ppl so way our of our league it's demoralizing? We've beat Dhara before albiet maybe not 9v9 pre organized, and even dropped sweat first time in ivory tower only with me going red on healer. But we had more numbers in both cases so no way to claim fair fight those times. Most clans are better at pvp than us. But we keep getting back up and trying again............but if were not learning then it's getting fuking frustrating. Do all new clans go through this? or are we at a serious disadvantage by not having seasoned pvpers from other clans? Flame away but just asking some advice. We've had a few striaght up 9v9 wins against most, but rare.........and I want some fukin input, hate us or not, more pvp makes server better. I'm hoping within all the poking fun posts ill get something useful.
Thanks in advance.
the things I saw wrong in the fight with us (SWeAt) are as follows:
1. Keep the high ground! - you went to the bottom of the ramp, always try to keep the higher ground, it puts you on the offensive instead of the defensive, and it's harder to miss when you're uphill, which means of course, it's harder to hit when you're downhill. the fight with us was against mostly archers, you want to gain as much advantage over archers as possible because of the higher chance of crits, which hurt, a lot.
2. Targeting - pick the squishy people first, in most fights you want to target anyone that can party recall and drop them fast, then you go for the healers, casters, archers, orcs dorfs and tanks keep for last, they don't hit too hard but have a tun of hp so don't waste all your time trying to take them out first
3. Assisting - each group should have one person to call targets and the rest of the people in the group should hit that target until it's down or another target is called. this is crucial in pvp, if everyone is picking different targets, you will lose.
4. Move - if you're taking damage, move. run to the back of your side so either you stop getting hit and can get healed or draw the person hitting you closer to your group so everyone can gank him and kill him. also, if you are killing someone and they run back, even if you think, just one more hit and they are going down, do not follow them, that's just begging to be killed.
if you have any mages they should be in charge of immobilizing (cancel/sleep/silence/para/root) or targeting any melees from the enemy that rush you .... so you can keep your ground and archers from your side can still concentrate on their squishies without getting pounded by melees
try to silence healers and leave them alone.
have some of your tyrants use rabbit and then they can go after healers and cripple, stun then hurricane. get your best targetters at the bottom of the grp and be calling targets on ts/vent or what ever. lvls and gear help but that all comes in time
archers assist, all orcs assist as long as it doesnt mean a suicide rush, mages stand in the VERY back, slow any meelee classes that go for any healers or any other mages, then blast the fuck out of useful targets. use kite pushing and when you're low run back a little, use a couple cp or healing pots, when you feel comfortable, go back in. if you get hit once, let a healer know because if they're assisting you're going to need heals in a couple seconds. aaannnnnnnnndddddddd, i guess thats it.
your clan needs archers, in mass pvp, archers are even better than mages, they just do too much damage and can tank a few hits.
I frapsed the fight so here's a few pointers.
Everyone flags or no one flags. When you flag, flag as a team.
I opened the fight by flagging first. I have 5.2k hp, 1.5k cp, and a decent amount of pdef and mdef. I'm not exactly the easiest thing to kill. There's a reason why I'm up in the front and flagging first. It's a common mistake for people to target the first thing they see and try to kill it. A lot of higher tier guilds still make this mistake (not to name them) and it's why they lose on an equal number basis.
A good targetter is going to target whoever flags first, watch for a better target to flag, and call for a reassist. It's not enough that your main assist can click on things and say, "Assist me" in team speak. They need to know who are the priority targets are and how to identify them.
Also, guild composition is a huge factor. If I were to put together an elite pvp guild, two 9 man groups would be stacked acher parties. The third party wuld be mages, and the fourth party would compose of mostly high dps melees. On that same token, levels and gear mean a lot. Don't expect to do well if you're in c grade and the people you fight are in b or a grade.
You have the most to learn from close fights. Completely decimating an enemy or being utterly destroyed teaches you nothing. The close fights will reveal the mistakes that you made, or right decisions, that decided who won or lost. Make sure that you guys get together and discuss what you did wrong in the fight, and what you did right. No one is going ot be a master of pvp when they start. It takes time and a lot of small improvements.